Nihongo Online School

Japanese online school

Minna no Nihongo Shokyu 1For Beginner to Elementary (0→JLPT N5 level)

This level is a foundational, designed for beginners learning Japanese. It helps learners develop the four essential skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing thorugh lesson and homework provided by your teacher each lessons. Using a step-by-step approach, it builds language proficiency by starting with simple sentence patterns and gradually progressing to more complex structures.

Features of the Curriculum:
・Structured around sentence patterns, examples, conversations, and exercises.
・Focuses on everyday conversation scenarios commonly encountered by non-native speakers.

Learning Goals:
By the end of this level, learners will be able to:
・Engage in simple interactions in frequently encountered daily situations.
・Express thoughts and ideas about familiar topics in Japanese.

This curriculum is ideal for anyone looking to build a solid foundation in Japanese while gaining confidence in using the language in real-life contexts!

Lessons Topic What you Can-do
1 2~4 Review (Pronunciation, Reading &Writing of Hiragana, Katakana) Review basic (pronunciation, reading & writing of Hiragana, Katakana), basic phrases
2 2~4 Hello Exchange greetings

Give a simple self introduction

3 2~4 What is it ? Ask something’s name, and express who the things belong to
4 2~4 Please give me this one. Ask someone the location

Do some shopping

5 2~4 What time is it ? Talk about your schedule to someone (time, day of the week)
6 2~4 Do you go to Japan? Go out with your friends by vehicle
7 2~4 Shall we go toghter? Ask your frined to join

Talk about your daily routine

8 2~4 Excuse me Ask someone you don’t know how to say in Japanese.
9 2~4 How are you ? Talk about your daily life
10 2~4 I like Japan! Talk about your likes and dislikes/strengths and weaknesses.
11 2~4 Let me introduce my country Give a simple introduction of your country, city you live in
12 2~4 How long do you stay in Japan? Talk about number, time, term, frequency
13 2~4 How was the festival? Talk about your past experience
14 2~4 I want to drink beer Talk about what you want to do
15 2~4 Please take me to the Tokyo Give a simple request, instructions to someone
16 2~4 Let me introduce my family Talk briefly about your family and job
17 2~4 Please tell me how to use this Give a explanation of the place, things, people
18 2~4 What’s wrong with it? Give a explanation of rule and regulations
19 2~4 What is your hobby? Talk about your hobbies

Talk about what you can and can’t do

20 2~4 I’ll go on a diet from tomorrow. Talk about the changes of scene, situation
21 2~4 What will you do on summer vacation? Have a casual conversation with your close friends
22 2~4 I think so too. Give a simple opinion, impressions and expectation
23 2~4 What kind of apartment do you like? Give a detailed explanation about things and person
24 2~4 How do I get there? Give a explanation about direction and how to use something
25 2~4 Could you help me? Ask somebody to do something for you