Nihongo Online School

Japanese online school

Tips for More Effective Studying

Nihongo Online School > Tips for More Effective Studying > [Types of Verb & Forms of Verb] – Lesson 3 the Rules of Making Past Sentence With たform

[Types of Verb & Forms of Verb] – Lesson 3 the Rules of Making Past Sentence With たform


Director: Kotaro Muramoto
Principal of Nihongo Online School
In September 2019, he founded "Nihongo Online School". Since then, has been teaching Japanese online lessons, with a total of over 1,000 students.
He has designed an individualized curriculum based on student’s needs and study goal. And is conscious of making the classes speech-centered in order to improve students’ speaking skills.
The school asks students to submit homework assignments worth 2 hours per lesson to improve faster. By supporting students with these features, students are able to efficiently improve Japanese language skills.

Lesson 3 たform

The た-form is another conjugation form of verbs. It makes past sentence.
The rules to make the た-form are the same as the ones to make the て -form: just replace “て” with “た”.

①Group 1 Verb 


・end in “う、つ、る”→change to 「った」 :

かう、たつ、おわる→ change to  かった、たった、おわった

・end in “ぶ、ぬ、む” →change to「んだ」:

あそぶ、しぬ、すむ→ change to あそんだ、しんだ、すんだ

・end in “ぐ” →change to「いだ」:

およぐ、いそぐ、ぬぐ→ change to およいだ、いそいだ、ぬいだ

・end in “く” →change to「いた」:

かく、あるく、さく→ change to かいた、あるいた、さいた

・end in “す”→change to「した」:

まわす、おろす→ change to まわした、おろした

②Group 2 Verb


・eru:たべる、おぼえる、かんがえる、でる、ねる→change to 「た」

→change to たべた、おぼえた、かんがえた、でた、ねた 

・iru: はしる、かりる、はいる、きる→change to 「った/た」

→change to はしった、かりた、はいった、きた

③Group3 Verb

する/くる→change to した/きた

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