Nihongo Online School

Japanese online school

Tips for More Effective Studying

Nihongo Online School > Tips for More Effective Studying > Lesson 4 Explain Positions (13 Basic Positions)

Lesson 4 Explain Positions (13 Basic Positions)


Director: Kotaro Muramoto
Principal of Nihongo Online School
In September 2019, he founded "Nihongo Online School". Since then, has been teaching Japanese online lessons, with a total of over 1,000 students.
He has designed an individualized curriculum based on student’s needs and study goal. And is conscious of making the classes speech-centered in order to improve students’ speaking skills.
The school asks students to submit homework assignments worth 2 hours per lesson to improve faster. By supporting students with these features, students are able to efficiently improve Japanese language skills.

Lesson 4 13ポジション 13 Positions

Here, you can learn 13 basic positions in Japanese. 

13 Basic Positions


Isu no ueni, inu ga imasu. 

There is a dog on the chair.


 Isu no shitani, inu ga imasu.  

There is a dog under the chair. 


 Isu no aidani, inu ga imasu. 

There is a dog between the chair.


 Isu no tonarini, inu ga imasu. 

There is a dog next to the chair.


 Isu no maeni, inu ga imasu. 

There is a dog in front of the chair.


 Isu no ushironi, inu ga imasu. 

There is a dog behind the chair.


 Isu no sobani, inu ga imasu.

There is a dog beside the chair.


Watashi no yokoni, inu ga imasu.

There is a dog beside me. 


Isu no chikakuni, inu ga imasu.

There is a dog near the chair.


Isu no tookuni, inu ga imasu.

 There is a dog far the chair.


Hako no nakani, inu ga imasu.

 There is a dog inside the box. 


Hako no sotoni, inu ga imasu.

 There is a dog outside the box.


 Watashi no hidarini, inu ga imasu.

 There is a dog at my left.


 Watashi no migini, inu ga imasu. 

There is a dog at my right. 

★Let’s Practice!

Those are basic 13 positions. Let’s practice with below sample illustrations!

  1. テーブルの下 (した)に くつがあります。

Table no shitani kutsu gaarimasu. There are shoes under the table.

2.くるまの上(うえ)に ねこがいます。

Kurumano ueni neko gaimasu.     There is a cat on the car.

3 Q: May I ask where is a bookstore?

A: There is a bookstore next to a flower shop.

はなやの 隣(となり)or(横よこ/右みぎ)に  ほんや があります。

also you can answer …

A: There is a bookstore between a flower shop and a convenience store.

はなやと コンビニの間(あいだ)に ほんや があります。


    Ms.Suzuki is standing next to a convenience store.

4.れいぞうこの 中(なか)に たべもの や のみもの がたくさんあります。

       There are lots of food and drink in the refrigerator.

Today, you can learn 13 basic positions in Japanese. 

See you in the next lesson!

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