Nihongo Online School

Japanese online school

Tips for More Effective Studying

Nihongo Online School > Tips for More Effective Studying > Introduction for Blog

Introduction for Blog


Director: Kotaro Muramoto
Principal of Nihongo Online School
In September 2019, he founded "Nihongo Online School". Since then, has been teaching Japanese online lessons, with a total of over 1,000 students.
He has designed an individualized curriculum based on student’s needs and study goal. And is conscious of making the classes speech-centered in order to improve students’ speaking skills.
The school asks students to submit homework assignments worth 2 hours per lesson to improve faster. By supporting students with these features, students are able to efficiently improve Japanese language skills.

・Who is This Course for 


✔︎Want to get basic Japanese skills (N5,N4 level) more effectively

✔Learners who feel complexity and difficulty for learning Japanese

✔Japanese is highly necessary for work but not good enough 

・Lessons Contents and What You’ll Learn


✔︎Understand basic grammar and phrases (N5,N4 level) with many illustrations and images

✔︎understand basic level in shorter term(In 3 month~6 month).

✔︎learning lessons with very simple sentence, illustrations and images so that it is very easy for learners to understand and remember.

・About the Author

Kotaro Muramoto is a director of Nihongo Online School.

He has been providing group online classes and individual online classes as 3-6 month course for learning beginners. He is good at making complexity to be simple and easy to understand by using illustration and figures.
He has a mission of “Make Japanese learning more simple and easy to understand ! And let’s develop communication skills in short term!”.

Lessons Contents for this Blog. We have chapter 1~9, and each chapter has some lessons and mainly we study for N5~N4 level of grammar with illustrations in this blog.

Lesson Topic

Below are the lesson topic.

Chapter 1   Let’s Study 5 Very Basic Grammar Part 1

Lesson 1~は、~です A is〜/isn’t/was/wasn’t 

Lesson 2こそあど This/That/That+N, Here/There/Over there 

Lesson 3~がありますいます There is〜/ There are〜 

Lesson 4 13ポジション 13 Positions 

Lesson 5~をください Please give me〜

【Chapter 2  Let’s Study 5 Very Basic Grammar Part 2】

Lesson 1~できます I can〜

Lesson 2~たい、ほしい I want to〜

Lesson 3~とおもいます I think that〜 

Lesson 4~がすき/きらい like~/ don’t like~, ~がじょうず/へた  good at~/bad at~

Lesson 5~てもいいですか? Can I 〜 ?

【Chapter 3 How to Use [7 Basic Interrogative] 】

Lesson 1 なに〜? What 

Lesson 2どこ〜? Where 

Lesson 3いつ〜? When

Lesson 4だれ〜? Who

Lesson 5どれ〜? Which

Lesson 6なんで〜? Why

Lesson 7どうやって〜?How

【Chapter 4 How to Use [5 Basic Conjunctions] 】

Lesson 1〜だから,〜から Because

Lesson 2〜が、けど、しかし But

Lesson 3〜まえに Before

Lesson 4〜あとに After

Lesson 5〜とき〜する when A, B 

【Chapter 5 How to Use [11 Basic Postpositional Particles] 】

Lesson 1~は Describe the subject

Lesson 2~が Describe the subject

Lesson 3~を Someone take action for object.

Lesson 4~で Indicates a means or method/ the place which an action occurs. 

Lesson 5~へ Indicates Direction 

Lesson 6~に Indicates Direction / At (time)

Lesson 7~の Indicates Possessive 

Lesson 8~と And/With 

Lesson 9~も Too/Also/As well 

Lesson 10~より Criteria for comparison

Lesson 11~から/まで From A to B 

【Chapter 6 : Count Numbers and How to Tell Schedule 】

Lesson 1すうじのかぞえかた How to count numbers

Lesson 2じかんのいいかた How to tell time

Lesson 3ひづけのいいかた How to tell month/date

Lesson 4きかんのいいかた How to tell periods of time

Lesson 5 もののかぞえかた Counter suffix

【Chapter 7 : Other Important Grammars 】

Lesson 1~になる To become

Lesson 2~でしょう It seems that

Lesson 3もう~、まだ~ Have done 

Lesson 4 かぞくのよびかた How to say family member names 

【Chapter 8  Introduction Types of Verb & Forms of Verb

Introduction Types of verb and Forms of verb 

Lesson 1 The rules of making Basic sentence with [ますform]

Lesson 2 The rules of making sentence with [てform]

Lesson 3 The rules of making Past sentence with [たform]

Lesson 4 The rules of making Negative sentence with [ないform] 

【Chapter 9 : 2 Basic Types of Adjective

Introduction 2 types of adjective

Lesson 1 The rules of making sentence with [いadjective] Forms

Lesson 2 The rules of making sentence with [なadjective] Forms

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