Tips for More Effective Studying
Nihongo Online School > Tips for More Effective Studying > Interrogative – Lesson 4 だれ? Who
Interrogative – Lesson 4 だれ? Who
You learn how to explain “だれ、どなた=who… ” in Japanese.
✅ だれ(dare)~=who~?
・Who is N? → Nはだれ(どなた)ですか? ※donata is more polite saying than dare.
・Whose N? → だれのNですか?
★Let’s exercise
Here is some examples.

Anohitowa Dare(donata) desuka?
Who is that person?
Anohitowa, suzukisan desu.
She is Ms. Suzuki.

Q:それは、だれ(どなた)の ほんですか?
Sorewa, Dare(donata)no hon desuka?
Whose book is it?
A: ミラーさんのほんです。
Millar san no hondesu.
It is Mr. Millar’s book.

Q: だれ(どなた)に プレゼントをあげますか?
Dare(donata)ni present wo agemasuka?
Who do you give present to?
A: ミラーさんにあげます。
Millar san ni agemasu.
I give it to Mr. Millar.