Nihongo Online School

Japanese online school

Tips for More Effective Studying

Nihongo Online School > Tips for More Effective Studying

 [Types of verb & Forms of verb]-Lesson 1 Basic Sentence With “~masu(ます)” Form


Lesson 1 “~masu(ます)” form The “~masu(ます)” form is also called “ていねいけい (Teinei, the pol […] […]

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Japanese Business Greetings | Phrases & Tips


Learning Business Japanese can be challenging, especially when it comes to mastering the nuances of greetings […] […]

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Tips to Speak Japanese Fluently – Teacher YUKI


Many people work hard to study Japanese every day and feel confused and wondering, “When will I be able to spe […] […]

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Japanese Business Culture and Practices


Business etiquette in Japan is crucial for professional success, encompassing a wide range of behaviors and pr […] […]

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How to Master Japanese Business Card Etiquette


Mastering business card etiquette is crucial for successful professional interactions in Japan. This article c […] […]

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38 Common Questions Asked in Japanese Job Interviews


When interviewing for a position in Japan, especially as a new graduate, there are several key questions you c […] […]

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Japanese Interview Tips: Top Questions, Manners, Preparation


Contents1 Interview Preparation1.1 Understand the Industry, Company, and Role1.2 Organize Your Strengths and E […] […]

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How to Write 自己PR (Jiko PR, Self PR) on a Japanese Resume (with Example)


Contents1 What HR Looks for in the Self-PR Section of a Resume1.1 Clear and Effective Communication1.2 Alignme […] […]

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How to Write an Efficient CV for Job Application in Japan


Contents1 Differences between CV and Resume in Japan1.1 職務経歴書 (Shokumukeirekisho, CV)1.2 履歴書 (Rirekisho, Resum […] […]

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How to Write an English Resume for Japanese Companies


Contents1 Differences Between Japanese and English Resumes1.1 Information and Format Variations1.2 Adaptation […] […]

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How to Write a Great Japanese Resume (Rirekisyo)


Contents1 Documents Required for Job Application in Japan1.1 Resume: A Universal Document1.2 Employment Histor […] […]

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Introduction of [JLPT Online Half Mock Exam]


“JLPT Online Half Mock Exam” is an e-learning program that allows you to take JLPT mock exams (lev […] […]

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