Nihongo Online School > Students
Students: Jackly-san The U.S
6 month with 50 lessons course
Students: Bon-san HongKong
6 month with 50 lessons course

Gupta-san India
Completed 150 hours of study Japanese
When I started looking for Japanese schools, I noticed most required 150 hours of study. Therefore, I started looking into online schools that accept beginner students completely. My search was mainly based on the fact that I wanted to avoid attending a school or class where there are a lot of students, as that usually leads to poor communication between the teacher and student. Establishing a good connection with the teacher goes a long way, as you can only grasp the experience a teacher can share. After looking around for a while, I decided that Nihongo Online School was the best choice. It offered 1-1 skype calls for classes, was remote, and had no requirements for learning Japanese.
Before registering for the course, the school provides an option for a trial class with the teacher handling the 1-1 studies going further. In my case, it was Yuki せんせい. During the trial class, Yuki せんせい and I discussed my details, the course’s goal, etc. Afterward, we started studying hiragana as well. At the end of the trial class, I was pretty happy with the pace and teaching method. Therefore, I chose to go ahead with the 150 hours study package offered by the school as that was my initial aim.However, it is essential to note that there is an additional first-time registration charge of 25,000 yen and a 10% tax. Nevertheless, I registered and paid the fees via Flywire after discussing the schedule.
Due to my busy work schedule, my study schedule was limited to 2 one-hour classes per week with minimal homework. This is one reason why completing 150 hours of study took me a long time. However, I tried to keep studying as per the schedule because, as they say, little drops make the mighty ocean.
The school focuses more on the conversational aspect while studying, which is good if you want to get better at conversing soon. In our classes, we started with learning the kana characters (hiragana & katakana) and moved to grammar afterward. Each new lesson introduced 10-20 new words and a similar number of sentences to showcase how to use them with appropriate context. せんせい was helpful and cleared a lot of my doubts that included questions such as using another word instead of the given answer in the book and so on. Not limited to just the books, せんせい also shared videos from YouTube and images from Google to provide the context of various words and sentences. While we started communicating in English within the class, we slowly switched to mostly speaking primarily in Japanese as time passed. In case I failed to understand specific words during our lessons, せんせい sent them with an explanation as messages in the chat.
By the end of the course, I could see myself making improvements. I could read hiragana and katakana slowly, chat about daily work and personal life, and, more importantly, understand many words being spoken in videos, animes, and movies I watched in Japanese. While my Kanji vocabulary still needs improvement, it is also slowly improving.
My overall experience of the Nihongo Online School is positive. I am by no means an expert who can rate this experience and compare it with other schools and packages. However, as someone whose native language is not English, I find my learning experience exceptionally good. I have continued my classes at Nihongo Online School and aim to keep learning Japanese by slowly increasing the intensity. While writing this article, I have decided to move for a three days schedule and hopefully four if things go smoothly.

Ben-san The U.S
12 month with 150 lessons course
Q1. motivation for learning Japanese language?
That is a difficult question. My interest in Japan has grown over the past decade or so. I visited Japan, for the first time, three years ago, and I was frustrated with my inability to communicate to the locals that I met.
Q2.What issues do you have on studying Japanese?
Certain aspects of language learning I find I can do by myself. I taught myself hiragana, katakana, and the most basic kanji. However, my speaking and listening ability is not something I feel that I can train adequately, without someone to have conversations with. I also don’t find the explanations of Japanese grammar in textbooks to be satisfactory.
Q3. What made you decide to study with us ?
My current plan is to save money in order to fund a years Japanese study at a language school or university “Bekka” course. A lot of the university courses require at least JLPT N4 level – which is my current aim to reach by the end of my current batch of lessons. My listening ability requires a lot of improvement to not hinder me, at that level. I found the online school on GoGoNihon, and it felt like the right thing at the right time.
Q4. What do you think about studying with us?
I am enjoying the conversational aspect of the lessons a lot. Adachi-sensei is very easy to talk to about a variety of topics, which I don’t think I would find in a traditional classroom environment. It feels more tailored to my own needs, rather than a more generic syllabus for a certain level of Japanese ability.
Q5. Do you have any requests to improve your study with us?
I don’t have much to suggest in the way of improvements. I feel that I can talk to Adachi-sensei, if I require help on a specific issue with my learning, which is the main thing.
Q6. Is the lesson level appropriate?
I felt that the level of the first few lessons was a bit low. However, it is definitely helping me establish a firm foundation of understanding that will help me down the line.

Galane David-san France
6 month with 150 hours course
Q1.What issues do you have on studying Japanese?
I started learning Japanese a few years ago, on my own and with the help of a few Japanese-speaking friends. I wanted to learn a new language and Japanese seemed interesting and stimulating! Learning on my own was tedious and slow, and I tended to be irregular in my practice of the language. In four years, I’d learnt katakana and hiragana, and could understand casual conversations, but that was about it.
Q2. What made you decide to study with us ?
I found the Nihongo Online School on the Internet. I had to be able to prove that I had followed a 150-hour program of learning Japanese in order to go study in Japan. So I was looking for a cheap, effective and quick way of learning everything I needed. Nihongo Online School met all my criteria: it was cheaper than taking courses in my home country/city, it was online which meant I could plan my time better, and finally it was a one-to-one course with a Japanese teacher, which I think is the best way to improve quickly.
Q3. Could you tell us about your lesson experience, how to proceed lessons with teachers, materials and so on?
I had a meeting with someone from Nihongo Online School to discuss my needs and the opportunities the school could offer me. They really seemed to want to create the best possible program to help me achieve the 150 hours I needed to do. We quickly planned our sessions around my schedule, and from then on I had lessons three times a week with a teacher in one-on-one sessions. During these sessions, we spoke in Japanese, as I was able to understand most of it, but the teacher could speak a little English if necessary. We also discussed various topics related (or not) to the lessons in Japanese and I felt I made a lot of progress thanks to having to express myself in Japanese. We started our lessons with the basics, but we quickly skimmed over them as I wasn’t a complete beginner. The teacher adapted to my level, which I really appreciated. We used the PDF version of a textbook during the lessons and I was given homework after each chapter. In fact, the time devoted to homework was included in the 150-hour programme. Sometimes it could be very time-consuming, but I think it was important practice for improving.
Q4. Do you have any requests to improve your study with us?
Overall, I’m very satisfied with the lessons. I feel I’ve improved my listening and speaking skills. The only thing I would have liked would perhaps have been some exercises on the kanji included in the homework.

Paul-san The U.S
6 month with 50 lessons course
Q1.What issues do you have on studying Japanese?
I originally had an interest in learning languages, and really had a huge interest for art as well. After seeing one of my friends take off for university to study abroad in various countries, along with feeling deeply moved by many of Japan’s animated works, it opened up a spark within me to pursue studying Japanese. When I first started studying Japanese, I employed many methods, such as studying from Youtube videos and various applications. When I was starting out, I didn’t really have access to a physical classroom as the Covid-19 pandemic hit, so I was mainly self-learning, which felt really slow as it was quite difficult to find the right pace and direction to learn the language. Upon taking my courses from Nihongo Online School, I felt a huge acceleration to the progress of my Japanese studies, as the guidance from my teacher really helped me not only have a visible path to follow, but also her kind and fun energy motivated me to keep pushing forward, until before I knew it, in all my lessons the main language I use to communicate is Japanese! Learning Japanese in general, has really changed me as a person, it’s with this wonderful language, that I have met a lot of amazing people, gained many opportunities to push myself to grow, and enjoy Japanese culture even more! Nihongo Online School has played a large role in helping me reach where I am now, and I’m really thankful for it!
Q2. What made you decide to study with us ?
・The warm friendly atmosphere
・1:1 lessons at my own pace
・The fact that not only I’m able to study from N5-N1, but I can also have custom lessons if there’s particular topic I want to learn about
・Time flexibility
Q3. Could you tell us about your lesson experience, how to proceed lessons with teachers, materials and so on?
Overall, it’s been a really great experience. Making mistakes is something I never have to be afraid of, as my teacher is always patient and understanding; She kindly corrects me when I come across any errors or need help with any particular word, grammar point, or sentence. Sometimes for particular words or expressions, there’s more nuance or cultural significance than what can be found in the textbook, so the teacher shows examples that really helps me grasp the sense of the meaning. Usually, the lessons start out with greetings, and talking about how the day went, which then follows with working on the current chapter of the textbook together with the instructor. For the recent books I’ve worked on, each one consists of a reading, followed by exercises about the reading, following with vocab and grammar related lessons. When working on grammar exercises, or learning new words, the instructor has me make sentences to clarify that I have understood the meaning. It’s these exercises that are usually the most fun, as I can make silly sentences that can sometimes even turn into mini stories, which makes the concepts even more memorable! When working on the reading, my teacher helps me as I read, filling in the furigana for any kanji that’s difficult to read, or clarifying the meaning of words/phrases that I’m not too clear about. Additionally, if the reading is too difficult for me, she breaks down the reading into simpler Japanese, which makes understanding the original material much more easier, which allows me to gain a full comprehension of the passage. Each lesson follows homework based on the lesson but isn’t fully limited to it either. I have requested to complete custom assignments related to improving my writing, so anything’s possible!
Q4. Do you have any requests to improve your study with us?
Not really, I’m pretty satisfied with my experience.

Paulina-san Mexico
Q1.What issues do you have on studying Japanese?
I start with apps like Duolingo, LingoDeer, Hello Talk, and with free websites and courses that I found in Facebook, but unfortunately, I’m not an autodidact, so I need someone to guide me. I enrolled in a school here in Mexico that we could say is the most “prestigious” for studying an asian language, their founder and director is Japanese and they have an “increased value” just because their teachers are native (the 90% were mixed, Mexico – Japones, and the 70% never had been in Japan or they went like 2 months). Of course, just because you are native doesn’t mean that you know how to teach or that you understand how your language works, and that’s what it was, there was eight Japanese professors and only three have my respects as teachers, the other ones only read the book and repeat what was writed in a horrible and unreadable powerpoint.
Q2. What made you decide to study with us ?
When I was looking for another school, I remember that a few years ago Go! Go! Nihon added an option for online schools, recently they added courses from another schools and theirs but, as a school, you were and still being the one and only option. I did a research about you and ask my father if he could help me with the payment, because you are really expensive, altough is better to learn the language from a real native, in the exact country and with someone that it’s actually capable. Being honest I didn’t look for another school, y trusted in Go! Go! Nihon and had faith on you.
Q3. Could you tell us about your lesson experience, how to proceed lessons with teachers, materials and so on?
Actually I have no complaints about lessons, the teacher who was assigned to me is really nice, she supports me, is comprehensive and is patient with me, because some times my brain just turn off or the language barrier appear and complicate a little bit the situation, but I have been a year and four months with her and I have learned more than the year that I was in the other school. The fact that she speaks to me mostly in japanese has helped me to improve my listening, most of the time I don’t understand her but when I do, I get so happy, is the same feeling when there’s a dorama or videogame and catch one of the phrases.
Q4. Do you have any requests to improve your study with us?
My only request could be that the students could have a book of exercises, or a book to improve your reading. I mean, if you ask them for more excersices they’ll give you, but not what you expect or need, just to practice more than the exercises of the main book or the exercise book.
Also, there’s no discount for students with student seniority? Just kidding, meanwhile you don’t increase your price, we are good.

Matt-san U.K
6 month with 50 lessons course
Q1. motivation for learning Japanese language?
I work in an industry which is a rapidly growing market in japan, so knowing Japanese will soon be a Crucial skill for my job, with me eventually looking at living in Japan for work. I’ve also a strong personal interest
Q2.What issues do you have on studying Japanese?
No consistent and reliable ways to be able to check that how I wrote and spoke what I learned was correct and natural-sounding, or how to put together what I’d learnt into complete sentences.
Q3. What made you decide to study with us ?
The staff! They’ve been fantastic every step of the way, from the very first contact I received. The level of service provided has been superb
Q4. What do you think about studying with us?
My tutor is fantastic – she’s patient, able to answer any questions I have, and sets the perfect lessons for my ability – not too easy, and not too difficult
Q5. Do you have any requests to improve your study with us?
Perhaps a little more time to review the day’s lesson at the end, although homework usually covers this anyway.
Q6. Is the lesson level appropriate?
Yes, absolutely. The tutor seems to know my level better than I do!

Students: Sam-san The U.S
6 month with 50 lessons course
Class has been going well. It has been mostly review with the grammar which is needed as I need the practice. Natsumi-sensei has been great!
Q1. motivation for learning Japanese language?
My motivation for learning Japanese is to eventually pass the JLPT1 and become a translator (patents or media). Japanese language was one of my majors at University of Oregon and I concentrated on reading and writing.
Q2.What issues do you have on studying Japanese?
The main issues I have with studying is formal classes for higher levels have start times that conflict with my current work schedule. I am able to take night classes but once the first two years of instruction are finished, all N3 and higher curriculum is during working hours.
Q3. What made you decide to study with us ?
I was looking at doing immersion studying in Japan for at least a year before the Covid-19 pandemic hit. I also wanted my knowledge to be around N3 before I make the commitment of acquiring my student visa. If online school continues to work well for me, it may replace studying in Japan.
Q4. What do you think about studying with us?
The good points are being able to practice my speaking with someone that can help me with my mistakes. I’ve enjoyed all my lessons so far with Natsumi-sensei. I don’t have any requests at this time.The lesson level has been appropriate. The lessons have been going well.

Mishal-san UAE
6 month with 50 lessons course
Q1. motivation for learning Japanese language?
I was motivated to learn the japanese language because i was intrigued by it. I was intrigued, by the “language” and “culture” so I decided that i wanted to go to Japan because to me it seemed like a “dream”. Which is why I decided to apply to japan and learn the language by professional experience.
Q2.What issues do you have on studying Japanese?
I wanted to apply to kudan japanese language school for october 2020 session but they need 150 of N5 level japanese language certificate to get admission. So thats why i have contacted to help me with japanese language.I also wanted my knowledge to be around N3 before I make the commitment of acquiring my student visa.A lot of the university courses require at least JLPT N4 level – which is my current aim to reach by the end of my current batch of lessons.
Q3. What made you decide to study with us ?
I searched up online schools during the pandemic and i finally came across this one.
Q4. What do you think about studying with us?
I love this school and the very high quality of education they provide for their pupils. More importantly, the staff are extremely polite and willingly to help when you’re in need. I would have made a mistake if i hadn’t joined this online japanese school
Q5. Is the lesson level appropriate?
The lesson level is great, I don’t feel pressure or stressed at all as the lessons are very easy and understandable.

Bharat-san India
Q1.What issues do you have on studying Japanese?
I started learning Japanese via Youtube videos about 2.5 years ago and well the reason is one of the most obvious reasons in the world. I wanted to understand all forms of Japanese entertainment in the best way possible i.e., the original language without the need to wait for translations. Before I joined the school my main issues were to try and figure out what structure should I being into my learning and how to go about learning this language.
Q2. What made you decide to study with us ?
I found about this via online research and found out that there’s customizable 1:1 lessons available and that is the one I prefer the most as I can try and customize my learning experience rather than having to adjust at the class’s pace. I am glad I chose this as 1:1 lessons are important to me.
Q3. Could you tell us about your lesson experience, how to proceed lessons with teachers, materials and so on?
I wanted a 1:1 class and I discussed with my teacher as to how to progress for the JLPT exam level and where to start for JLPT N3/N4. We determined that JLPT N4 was too simple for my current Japanese level and should study for N3 instead. This sort of dynamic feedback between the teacher and student was what I liked. I currently do like the materials being covered and I also sometimes have song lyrics taught to me whenever I want a change of pace in my learning as it keeps the learning experience fresh!
Q4. Do you have any requests to improve your study with us?
Yup, I am very happy with the structure of the lessons and the way of teaching, maybe having more examples much closer to daily life japanese rather than only academic japanese could be the way to go although I understand JLPT is just unforgivable when it comes to that, so it’s rather something that JLPT itself lacks!

Students: Justin-san The U.S
6 month with 50 lessons course
Q1.What issues do you have on studying Japanese?
I have always enjoyed the culture to an extent along with having friend that live in Japan. My end goal is to live in Japan for some period, however long it may be. Most of my struggles come from remembering concepts that I don’t use often and remembering vocabulary. If I don’t study them often or use them often i tend to forget.
Q2. What made you decide to study with us ?
What drew me to this school was that the lessons were 1 on 1. I struggle with classes that are group based because they lean more towards group progress more than an individual. So, if i do well in one class and learn quickly it goes faster, or if I’m slow on a concept the class can go into more detail.
Q3. Could you tell us about your lesson experience, how to proceed lessons with teachers, materials and so on?
I have enjoyed all of my lessons so far. I feel as though I’m still terrible at speaking Japanese, even when i know i understand much more than when i started. It is hard to notice my own progress because there is still so much to learn. My end goal is to reach n2-n1 level of Japanese. My only wish is that it covered more vocabulary and older grammar structures.I quite enjoy the way my lesson has turned out; the pacing feels good and challenging. The only think i would like is for the lessons to have a little more focus on new words and kanji. I find myself lacking when it comes to vocabulary in newer lessons. Or going back and touching up on grammar that was covered but is not used very often. Lessons tend to be to do and forget.

Students: Salome-san Switzerland
6 month with 50 lessons course
Q1. motivation for learning Japanese language?
I moved to Japan last year and even though I picked up some of the language throughout my life and the past year, my knowledge is very scattered and not organized. To be able to communicate with Japanese people, be able to work in my field more here, and to be able to make more Japanese friends here and learn more about the culture, it is very important for me to learn the Japanese language properly and seriously.
Q2.What issues do you have on studying Japanese?
I only studied at home by myself before signing up for Nihongo Online School, so my knowledge has been pretty basic, theoretical and pretty random. I needed more structure, boundaries and deadlines through a teacher, and conversation practice to force me to say real sentences with proper grammar.
Q3. What made you decide to study with us ?
I was looking for a man-to-man course, but because of the Coronavirus crisis I decided not to do in-person classes. Then I saw an ad for Nihongo Online School through Gaijinpot and I liked the look of your website, and reviews for the regular language school programs from your school were very good. When I inquired about classes your answers were very quick and professional so I decided to sign up.
Q4. What do you think about studying with us?
I like that it’s very convenient for me, since I can take the classes from home and all communication and homework is online. I really appreciate Adachi Sensei’s way of teaching so far, she recognizes when I have trouble with something and will make me practice that more, while when she sees that I already know something she will not lose time with that. I do like to fit as many lessons into the course as possible.
Q5. Do you have any requests to improve your study with us?
So far I’m very happy and do not have any requests.
Q6. Is the lesson level appropriate?
So far I think so.

Students: Ryu-san China
Business Japanese course 4 month with 30 lessons
Q1. Before attending the course, please tell us about the challenges and problems you felt.
My main job at the moment is the design and development of new products for IT systems.I am in charge of developing our own products, but I used to work mainly in-house and have few opportunities to use Japanese.I can read and write Japanese somehow, but I couldn’t speak Japanese good enough to talk to clients.I want to challenge myself to work outside the company, such as proposing products to customers, supporting introductions, and supporting, so my goal is to be able to meet with customers, explain products, and make suggestions.
Q2.How was the curriculum and learning content?
I think the curriculum and learning content are very good for me.
The learning content can be taught according to the individual’s Japanese level and goal. I can study not only simple Japanese but also Japanese used in actual work. I can strengthen what I studied with homework. Azuma-sensei was very kind and helped me to gain confidence in my Japanese in about three months, even though I can’t speak much at first.During the lesson, she quickly found problems with Japanese grammar and pronunciation and taught me how to improve them.Thank you very much.
About Teacher Muramoto, In the last month, he taught me how to explain our company’s products and company.I felt that Mr. Muramoto was very professional, for example: he made an effective plan to achieve the goal in one month.When explaining the product, he checked and corrected all the pronunciation and appearance. In addition, he taught me how to do product sales. I was able to explain the product and company fluently in one month. Thank you very much, Mr. Muramoto.
Q3. How was your progress after completed the course?
Before taking the course, I had been self-taught in Japanese for four years, but I was always worried that I could not speak Japanese very well. After taking the course for about four months, I gained confidence in speaking Japanese. Furthermore, in the past, I could not have meetings and proposals with customers because I could not speak Japanese well. Now, I can gradually explain products and answer questions at proposal meetings with customers.

Students: Gina-san The U.S
3 month with 25 lessons course
Q1. motivation for learning Japanese language?
My future goal is to go to University in Japan and stay for a long time.
Q2.What issues do you have on studying Japanese?
My parents were against me going to Japan and I did not have the opportunity to properly study Japanese, but they finally gave into my wishes. Also, I have only every self studied until now, so I have never had proper Japanese education.
Q3. What made you decide to study with us ?
I finally got the chance to study in Japan at a Japanese language school, but could not go because of the pandemic. This lead me to find other methods of study and I found this online school.
Q4. What do you think about studying with us?
The pros of this online lesson is that I get to learn from a teacher one on one. All the attention is on me and the lesson flow is able to match my needs and the speed can also match my needs.

Students: Mara-san Mexico
3 month with 25 lessons course
Q1. motivation for learning Japanese language?
What motivated me to learn Japanese was my dream of becoming an animator. I want to have more job opportunities in the animation industry.
Q2.What issues do you have on studying Japanese?
In the past I had the intention on studying the Japanese language but, I couldn’t find any school that would provide me Japanese lessons.
Q3. What made you decide to study with us ?
I saw an opportunity the opportunity to learn online and I just had to take it.
Q4. What do you think about studying with us?
Online classes are excellent for foreign students that want to learn the language and can’t do it. In the USA they don’t provide these classes.
Q5. Do you have any requests to improve your study with us?
I am comfortable the way the online school works at the moment. I’d suggest planning for a student “Syuugaku Ryokou” for those students that want to go visit Japan but have no idea which places to visit, how to behave or that they simply don’t l have anyone to accompany them in their journey of exploring not only the Japanese language but also the culture.
Q6. Is the lesson level appropriate?
Definitely! I’m a complete beginner even though I did study a little Japanese on my own. I constantly exposed myself to the language by either watching anime or listening to Japanese songs. I feel like I’m learning fast. The answer is Yes! I’ve been taking lessons at an appropriate level.

Successfully changed jobs from English teacher to engineer at an IT company.
Course duration: 3 months
Issues before taking this course:
I was not good at interviewing in Japanese
Outcome after taking the course:
Improved communication in Japanese, and was able to change job with desired annual salary.
Annual salary before job change: 3 million yen
Annual salary after changing jobs: 4.5 million yen

Passing the N2 exam increased the number of companies I applied to, and increased my annual salary
Course duration: 6 months
Issues before taking this course:
I was looking for an engineering job in Osaka, but was limited in where I could apply due to my JLPT being N3.
Outcome after taking the course:
Passed N2 and was able to find a job with the salary he was looking for after learning Business Japanese.
Annual salary before job change: NA
Annual salary after changing jobs: 5.1 million yen

Increased interview passing rate due to improved conversation skills, and got a new job with a higher salary
Course duration: 6 months
Issues before taking this course:
I had passed JLPT N2, but was not able to get a job offer because I could not communicate well at the Japanese interview.
Outcome after taking the course:
Improved conversational ability, increased interview pass rate, changed job to an IT company, and increased annual salary.
Annual salary before job change: 4.5 million yen
Annual salary after changing jobs: 5.1 million yen