Tips for More Effective Studying
Nihongo Online School > Tips for More Effective Studying > Interrogative – Lesson 3 いつ~? When
Interrogative – Lesson 3 いつ~? When
In this article, You can learn how to explain “ “いつ=when.… ” in Japanese. We often use interrogative word in daily conversations when i ask something. It’s very simple and often used, so let’s remember this!
✅ when〜?=いつ〜?🇯🇵
★ Here, we learn the basic Japanese sentence pattern
・When is N?=Nはいつですか?
・When do you V ?=いつVますか?
Here are some examples.
★Let’s exercise
Anatano tanjoubiwa itsudesuka?
When is your birthday?
5gatsu23nichi desu.
It is May 23th.
Q: いつ、たいわんにいきますか?
itsu, Taiwan ni ikimasuka?
When will you go to Taiwan?
A: 7(しち)がつに いくよていです。
Shichi gatsu ni iku yoteidesu.
I am planning to go there in July.
itsu, nihonni modorimasuka?
When will you come back to Japan?
A: らいげつ、もどるよていです。
Raigetsu, modoru yoteidesu.
I will be back next month.